2025-01-30 7:00 AM
Hi there
Starting point
I am currently working on porting our NFC implementation from the ST25R3916 to the ST25R100.
We will also replace our current library (Lib-NFC & ST_25r & RFAL) and use the current libraries (RFAL and NDEF) from ST.
For the migration I currently use a NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q board and two NFC shields (X-NUCLEO-NFC06A1 with the current ST25R3916 and X-NUCLEO-NFC09A1 with the new ST25R100).
I already successfully migrated our implementation to the new library. I'm able to poll for NFCA and NFCV tags using the X-NUCLEO-NFC06A1 shield.
Issue Description
May you have a clue why ST25R100 sees nothing?
Any support is highly appreciated.
Files & Info
rfal_platform.h (same config for both ST25 derivates):
#define ST25R_SS_PIN NULL ///< GPIO pin used for ST25R SPI SS
#define ST25R_SS_PORT NULL ///< GPIO port used for ST25R SPI SS port
#define ST25R_INT_PIN NULL ///< GPIO pin used for ST25R External Interrupt
#define ST25R_INT_PORT GpioCfg_ptNfcIrqDevice ///< GPIO port used for ST25R External Interrupt
#define PLATFORM_LED_A_PIN NULL ///< GPIO pin used for LED A
#define PLATFORM_LED_A_PORT NULL ///< GPIO port used for LED A
#define PLATFORM_LED_B_PIN NULL ///< GPIO pin used for LED B
#define PLATFORM_LED_B_PORT NULL ///< GPIO port used for LED B
#define PLATFORM_LED_F_PIN NULL ///< GPIO pin used for LED F
#define PLATFORM_LED_F_PORT NULL ///< GPIO port used for LED F
#define PLATFORM_LED_V_PIN NULL ///< GPIO pin used for LED V
#define PLATFORM_LED_V_PORT NULL ///< GPIO port used for LED V
#define PLATFORM_LED_AP2P_PIN NULL ///< GPIO pin used for LED AP2P
#define PLATFORM_LED_AP2P_PORT NULL ///< GPIO port used for LED AP2P
#define PLATFORM_USER_BUTTON_PIN NULL ///< GPIO pin user button
#define PLATFORM_USER_BUTTON_PORT NULL ///< GPIO port user button
#define platformProtectST25RComm() System_vEnterCriticalSection() ///< Protect unique access to ST25R communication channel
#define platformUnprotectST25RComm() System_vExitCriticalSection() ///< Unprotect unique access to ST25R communication channel
#define platformProtectST25RIrqStatus() System_vEnterCriticalSection() ///< Protect unique access to ST25R communication channel
#define platformUnprotectST25RIrqStatus() System_vExitCriticalSection() ///< Unprotect unique access to ST25R communication channel
#define platformLedOff( port, pin ) platformGpioClear(port, pin) ///< Clear the GPIO
#define platformLedOn( port, pin ) platformGpioSet(port, pin) ///< Set the GPIO
#define platformLedToggle( port, pin ) platformGpioToggle(port, pin) ///< Toggle the GPIO
#define platformGpioSet( port, pin ) HAL_GPIO_WritePin(port, pin, GPIO_PIN_SET) ///< Turns the given GPIO High
#define platformGpioClear( port, pin ) HAL_GPIO_WritePin(port, pin, GPIO_PIN_RESET) ///< Turns the given GPIO Low
#define platformGpioToggle( port, pin ) HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(port, pin) ///< Toogles the given GPIO
#define platformGpioIsHigh( port, pin ) ((Gpio_eGetLevel(port) == Gpio_LEVEL_HIGH) ? true : false) ///< Checks if the given GPIO definition is High
#define platformGpioIsLow( port, pin ) ((Gpio_eGetLevel(port) == Gpio_LEVEL_LOW) ? true : false) ///< Checks if the given GPIO definition is Low
#define platformTimerCreate( t ) (platformGetSysTick() + t) ///< Create a timer with the given time (ms)
#define platformTimerIsExpired( timer ) ((int32_t)(timer - platformGetSysTick()) < 0) ? true : false ///< Checks if the given timer is expired
#define platformDelay( t ) System_vBusyWaitMs( t ) ///< Performs a delay for the given time (ms)
#define platformGetSysTick() SupTimer_u32GetCounter() ///< Get System Tick ( 1 tick = 1 ms)
#define platformAssert( exp ) ASSERT_TRUE( exp , "") ///< Asserts whether the given expression is true
#define platformErrorHandle() Err_HANDLE_REUSABLE_ERROR(0, "RFAL_ERR"); ///< Global error handle trap
#ifdef RFAL_USE_I2C
#define platformI2CTx( txBuf, len, last, txOnly ) i2cSequentialTx((uint16_t)0xA0, (uint8_t *)(txBuf), (len), last, txOnly ) /*!< I2C Transmit */
#define platformI2CRx( txBuf, len ) i2cSequentialRx((uint16_t)0xA0, rxBuf, len ) ///< I2C Receive
#define platformI2CStart() ///< I2C Start condition
#define platformI2CStop() ///< I2C Stop condition
#define platformI2CRepeatStart() ///< I2C Repeat Start
#define platformI2CSlaveAddrWR(add) ///< I2C Slave address for Write operation
#define platformI2CSlaveAddrRD(add) ///< I2C Slave address for Read operation
#else /* RFAL_USE_I2C */
#define platformSpiSelect() SPI_vCsEnable(SpiCfg_ptST25R3916SpiDevice) ///< Enable CS PIN
#define platformSpiDeselect() SPI_vCsDisable(SpiCfg_ptST25R3916SpiDevice) ///< Disable CS PIN
#define platformSpiTxRx( txBuf, rxBuf, len ) SPI_vTxRx(SpiCfg_ptST25R3916SpiDevice, txBuf, rxBuf, len) ///< Interface to SPI tx and rx function
#endif /* RFAL_USE_I2C */
#define platformLog(...) ///< Log method (currently not used)
extern uint8_t globalCommProtectCnt; ///< Global Protection Counter provided per platform - instantiated in main.c
#define RFAL_FEATURE_LISTEN_MODE false /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for Listen Mode */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_WAKEUP_MODE true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for the Wake-Up mode */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_LOWPOWER_MODE true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for the Low Power mode */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCA true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-A (ISO14443A) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCB true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-B (ISO14443B) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCF false /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-F (FeliCa) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFCV true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-V (ISO15693) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_T1T true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for T1T (Topaz) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_T2T true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for T2T */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_T4T true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for T4T */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ST25TB true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for ST25TB */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ST25xV true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for ST25TV/ST25DV */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_DYNAMIC_ANALOG_CONFIG false /*!< Enable/Disable Analog Configs to be dynamically updated (RAM) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_DPO false /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL Dynamic Power Output support */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for ISO-DEP (ISO14443-4) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_POLL true /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for Poller mode (PCD) ISO-DEP (ISO14443-4) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_LISTEN false /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for Listen mode (PICC) ISO-DEP (ISO14443-4) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFC_DEP false /*!< Enable/Disable RFAL support for NFC-DEP (NFCIP1/P2P) */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_IBLOCK_MAX_LEN 256U /*!< ISO-DEP I-Block max length. Please use values as defined by rfalIsoDepFSx */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFC_DEP_BLOCK_MAX_LEN 254U /*!< NFC-DEP Block/Payload length. Allowed values: 64, 128, 192, 254 */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFC_RF_BUF_LEN 258U /*!< RF buffer length used by RFAL NFC layer */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_ISO_DEP_APDU_MAX_LEN 512U /*!< ISO-DEP APDU max length. Please use multiples of I-Block max length */
#define RFAL_FEATURE_NFC_DEP_PDU_MAX_LEN 512U /*!< NFC-DEP PDU max length. */
// Custom analog configs are used to cope with Automatic Antenna Tuning (AAT)
// that are optimized differently for each board.
#define RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CUSTOM ///< Use Custom Analog Configs when defined
// Empty macros (not used)
#define platformProtectWorker() ///< Protect RFAL Worker/Task/Process from concurrent execution on multi thread platforms
#define platformUnprotectWorker() ///< Unprotect RFAL Worker/Task/Process from concurrent execution on multi thread platforms
#define platformIrqST25RPinInitialize() ///< Initializes ST25R IRQ pin
#define platformIrqST25RSetCallback( cb ) ///< Sets ST25R ISR callback
#define platformLedsInitialize() ///< Initializes the pins used as LEDs to outputs
#define platformTimerDestroy( timer ) ///< Stops and released the given timer
The function that initializes the RFAL library (and predefines the discovery parameters):
bool_t NfcInterface_bInit(const NfcInterface_EventHandler_t pxEventHandler, const NfcInterface_GetSystemUpTime_t pxGetSystemUptime, uint8_t u8RxConfReg3Value, uint8_t u8DetectMode)
// register handler/Adapters
tEnv.pxEventHandler = pxEventHandler;
tEnv.pxGetSysUpTimeAdapter = pxGetSystemUptime;
tEnv.u16Rssi = 0;
// Initialize RFAL NFC discovery parameters
tEnv.tRfalNfcDiscoverParam.devLimit = NFC_MAX_DEVICE_COUNT; // 2 devices
tEnv.tRfalNfcDiscoverParam.totalDuration = RFAL_NFC_WORKER_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT_MS; // 1000ms
tEnv.tRfalNfcDiscoverParam.techs2Find = RFAL_NFC_POLL_TECH_A | RFAL_NFC_POLL_TECH_V;
tEnv.tRfalNfcDiscoverParam.notifyCb = vRfalNfcEvHandler; // This handler is mandatory to avoid that the library autoselects the first tag (even if multiple tags have been discovered)
// Initialize RFAL library
ReturnCode eRfalErr = rfalNfcInitialize();
LOG_ERROR_IF(eRfalErr != RFAL_ERR_NONE, "NFC initialization failed: error = %u", eRfalErr);
#if defined(ST25R3916) || defined(ST25R3916B)
// disable AAT (automatic antenna tuning)
uint8_t u8RegValue = 0u;
st25r3916ReadRegister(ST25R3916_REG_IO_CONF2, &u8RegValue);
u8RegValue &= ~(1<<5);
st25r3916WriteRegister(ST25R3916_REG_IO_CONF2, u8RegValue);
// set gain boost based on setting
st25r3916WriteRegister(ST25R3916_REG_RX_CONF3, u8RxConfReg3Value);
return true;
The function that runs the discovery:
(annotation: The actual discovery is performed synchronously... by calling rfalNfcWorker until the expected rfal nfc state has been reached. This is because of our legacy API that expects synchronous functions.)
bool_t NfcInterface_bRfalDiscoverTags(bool_t bForceReDiscover)
rfalNfcState eRfalNfcState = rfalNfcGetState();
bool_t bAlreadyDiscovered = (eRfalNfcState == RFAL_NFC_STATE_POLL_SELECT) || (eRfalNfcState == RFAL_NFC_STATE_ACTIVATED) || (eRfalNfcState == RFAL_NFC_STATE_LISTEN_TECHDETECT)? TRUE : FALSE;
LOG_ERROR_IF((bForceReDiscover != TRUE) && (bAlreadyDiscovered != TRUE), "Tag Discovery failed: eRfalNfcState %u", eRfalNfcState);
RETURN_IF((bForceReDiscover != TRUE) && (bAlreadyDiscovered != TRUE), FALSE);
if(bForceReDiscover == TRUE)
// Perform Tag discovery
ReturnCode eRfalErr = rfalNfcDiscover(&tEnv.tRfalNfcDiscoverParam);
LOG_ERROR_IF(eRfalErr != RFAL_ERR_NONE, "Failed to initiate NFC Discovery: Return Code %u", eRfalErr);
// Run worker until device discovery is finished
RFAL_NFC_STATE_POLL_SELECT, // State entered if multiple tags have been discovered
RFAL_NFC_STATE_ACTIVATED, // State entered if one tag has been discovered
RFAL_NFC_STATE_LISTEN_TECHDETECT); // State enteren if no tag has been discovered
else{} // Dont initiate discovery if not already done
LOG_DEBUG("State after tag discovery: %u", eRfalNfcState);
bool_t bSuccess = (eRfalNfcState == RFAL_NFC_STATE_POLL_SELECT) || (eRfalNfcState == RFAL_NFC_STATE_ACTIVATED) || (eRfalNfcState == RFAL_NFC_STATE_LISTEN_TECHDETECT)? TRUE : FALSE;
LOG_ERROR_IF(!bSuccess, "Tag Discovery failed: eRfalNfcState %u", eRfalNfcState);
return bSuccess;
static rfalNfcState eRfalRunNfcWorker(uint32_t u32TimeoutMs, rfalNfcState eTargetState1, rfalNfcState eTargetState2, rfalNfcState eTargetState3)
const uint32_t u32TimeoutThreshold = SupTimer_u32GetCounter() + u32TimeoutMs;
} while((SupTimer_u32GetCounter() < u32TimeoutThreshold) &&
(rfalNfcGetState() != eTargetState1) && (rfalNfcGetState() != eTargetState2) && (rfalNfcGetState() != eTargetState3));
return rfalNfcGetState();
Solved! Go to Solution.
2025-02-04 2:06 AM
in order to decode the SPI frame being sent, the SPI Chip Select (CS or SS or BSS) is also needed in the trace. Can you connect it to your logic analyzer and provide a new trace?
2025-02-04 2:17 AM
2025-02-04 2:23 AM
2025-02-04 4:22 AM
I think you are using compile time flag RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CUSTOM and supply some custom analog config file for 3916. Please disable/remove RFAL_ANALOG_CONFIG_CUSTOM and then the R100 should start working.
BR, Ulysses
2025-02-04 4:46 AM
That was the issue... tag detection works now. I didn't have this flag on my radar, as the related file was located in another corner of our project structure.
I am very grateful for your valuable support! Thank you very much.
Kind Regards,