2023-05-08 03:48 AM
Hi there,
I am a beginner of using customize board to build a project for reading a ISO 144443-4 card . The project demo(polling) that I search in previous post is using a different MCU. Also, I read the rfal_platform header file. It is using the SPI communication. Is it possible to configurate it using I2C communication?
First question, Am I supposed to use the ISO_DEP feature to read the card?
Second question , I know that I need to configure the GPIO , interrupt pin and the serial communication interface (SPI,I2C....). how can I initialize the St25r3917? What steps or functions must include in initialize process?
Third question, If I am only reading the card UID ,which project or example I should take it as a reference and what command I should use for reading the card or how can I adjust from the existing project to build the Functionality? Based on my understanding of the RFAL document ,I think I only need to achieve the polling to screen the card UID.
Thanks a lot
Regards, Kin Hong
2023-05-17 09:00 PM - edited 2023-11-20 06:09 AM
I now realize that the BSP_I2C1_IRQHandler wasn't call and i check it the program never go to the st25r3916isr() function.Now I have modified the EXIT_IRQHandler function and now the problem get stuck.I follow the polling example. I would like to ask do I have something missing?
Also,I wonder in the rfal_platform.h the platformIrqST25RSetCallback(cb) , platformIrqST25RPinItialize(). What function should I link it to? I will provide the picture below.
Thanks alot
Best regards,
Kin Hong
2023-05-18 02:18 AM - edited 2023-11-20 06:09 AM
For the new update ,I have run the st25r3916initalize() again and now I found the error in the st25r3916.c line 181 about the st25r3916WaitForInterruptsTimed(),it seems the irq handling is not properly configurate.Do you have any idea about it? thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Kin Hong
2023-05-18 04:03 AM - edited 2023-11-20 06:10 AM
Best regards,
Kin Hong
2023-05-19 02:34 AM - edited 2023-11-20 06:10 AM
Best regards,
Kin Hong
I2C send out 0xEA data
interrupt get triggered after the i2c send out data finished
send out the command 0xea
After sending out the command
program get stucked
2023-05-22 12:55 AM
not clear what you mean by "get stucked"... Which loop? Waiting for which signal? You say the ISR gets executed, what is the read-out of interrupt mask registers inside there?
Regards, Ulysses