2024-05-16 8:40 PM
I am trying to compile the IOS NFC tap source code and I am getting open ssl & J2Objc hearder not found errors.
We are trying to read and write with the ST25DV series of tags.
Xcode Version : 15.3
min dev : 15.0
Downloaded source code version : 7.4.0
Does the Source code support the latest versions of IOS?
Any extra steps needed for proper compilation?
Compilation error
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-05-26 9:30 AM
Hi Victor,
I again did everything from start.
Followed As per document 9 to 12 pages
1. Download for NFCtap project.
2. Downloaded and installed JRE translated into OBJ-C : • https://github.com/google/j2objc/releases.
did make dist to install
it generated multiple folders into "dist" folder. i.e lib,frameworks,..
3. Link Other -ljre_emul –liconv.
4.Updated paths. Kept path of dist folder which is generated above
5. Setting in J2OBJC_HOME in Xcode and set the value to the J2objC folder
6. Library Search Path: ${J2OBJC_HOME}/lib Setting up
7. J2Objt C code , change J2OBJC_HOME Path to /Users/sai/SATB/j2objc/dist
8. As per 11 page we adding all Files as Import statements in OpenSSL-for-iOS-Bridging-Header.h
5. Open NFCTap project & changed our bundle id , tried to run my iPhone(Xr)
6. Getting error 'J2ObjC_header.h' file not found
7. When we adding all Files as Import statements in ST25NFCApp-Bridging-Header.h then Swift errors coming
Can you help me where i am making mistake?
2024-05-30 12:13 AM
Hi Victor,
Any update?
We are trying JOBJC for the first time, And We kind of stuck.
Can you help me with basic steps and example commands to follow?
Is there any one can help building the project by connecting to our system?
2024-05-30 12:20 AM
Hi suresh,
Could we plan a conf call for next week ? I think a remote sharing session would help.
Let me know.
2024-05-30 12:40 AM
Thanks Victor This will be help full,
Is there a posibility for tormorow?
Can you send your convenient time and date? We will be ready for that time.
Can you also send meeting link for the same?
2024-05-30 11:13 PM
Hi Victor,
Any update on time and date for conference call?
2024-05-31 12:30 AM
Hi suresh,
I would need more information before launching a conf call, because I need to be assisted by regional support and marketing.
What region are you in ? Asia, US, other... ? What company do you work for ?
thx and br,
2024-05-31 1:13 AM
Hi Victor,
Our Company and web site details.
I am remotely working from India(Hyd).
Mean while Can you check below steps.
Can you share any missing steps with screen shots that will be helpfull.
1. Downloaded IOS NFC tap source code(STSW-ST25IOS001)
2.Downloaded Source code from https://github.com/google/j2objc/releases
3. Build using command $make dist . It took some time and created dist folder with lib,frameworks,include
4.Linking JRE also done.
5. Updated search paths with dist folder.
6. There are 2 bridging headers. In which file we need to import header files?
7. Do we need to download any module and link like below?
2024-06-01 1:49 AM
Hi Victor,
Now i am getting below code errors.
Any solution for this?
2024-06-02 11:44 PM
Hi Suresh,
At least we're making a little progress...
I guess issues are coming from the latest version of J2OBC used. I delivered iOS NFC Tap with J2OBJC V2.4.
What is your version ?
Thx and br,
2024-06-02 11:56 PM
Hi Victor,
I have used 2.8 release. Let me check with 2.4 version and come back to you.
Thanks for the reply.