2021-10-26 9:50 AM
We have a requirement of power line communication temperature data measurement by 7580 IC Nucleo board. Initially we found this is very supportive, but the same time we found the ST board programming is bit difficult. Hence, now we are using Arduino board. But when we do serial programming in Arduino, its not working where as the same board connected to ST with example program its reading. So we would like to know is this will with Arduino,or any other options to work with this , like any inputs datas to be add etc..please share if any example programms of Arduino.
2021-10-26 11:10 AM
If neither the ST tools or the Arduino ones are working, perhaps the problem is somewhere else. Not many users of Arduino here.
> we found the ST board programming is bit difficult
How so? The STM32CubeProgrammer works quite well, with some corner case exceptions. Can't get much simpler than plug in a USB connector, hit connect, then hit program.
2021-10-26 4:40 PM
I think you'll find this is one of the boards and product areas where ST wants commercial developers with a roster of their own engineers, and not something they are staffed to hand-hold individual users.
As I recall the user manual has pin details and schematics. This should be sufficient to interface to Arduino based products, but you'll likely need to take ownership if that.
You might trying querying ST for the names of contractors with specific experience with the power/power-line comms HW and SW.