2012-02-08 6:30 AM
is it possible to drive two motors with this eval board? I don't want to drive them simultaneously and independently but ''mutual exclusive'', i.e. I have one enable signal for every motor, while only one is true at a time. On the uC only one control function is running at any time. Just using a Y-cable from the MC connector to two power stages wouldn't work, as I have no possibility to disable one of the two motors, right? On the other hand, is it possible to connect some GPIOs to a second power stage to do real dual drive simultaneously? (This would be some kind of a second MC connector which doesnt exist on my board). thanks in advance. regards, sebastian2012-02-08 6:43 AM
Teoretically yes,
in the Eval board you have all microcontroller pins available in the extenction connectors. You have to check what it is connected to the pin you want to use as second MC connector and you have to see if you can remove the functionalities present in the board if it can be done. For instance you need to use PWM output of TIM1 and TIM8 to perfrom the dual motor drive so you have to check if all this pins can be unconnected from the default function of the board. Ciao Gigi2012-02-23 12:43 AM
thanks. I think I understood that. For example, if I want to use TIM4 for the HALL sensors, then I need the GPIOs PD12, PD13 and PD14, as these are the 3 channels of the timer. But in the STM3210E-EVAL manual, the pins are connected to FSMC (something for LCD) as default and nothing is mentioned in the column ''How to disconnect from function block on STM3210E-EVAL board''. Does that mean, it is not possible? regards, Sebastian