2014-07-20 6:17 AM
I am looking for solution of SVPWM implementation for STM32F103 microcontroller. My application is AC motor frequency converter with U/F = const regulation. Best regards Andrzej #stm32 #3phase-motor #frequency-coverter2014-07-21 1:06 AM
Ciao Andrzej
In the STM32 FOC SDK is implemented the space vector modulation (for any STM32 micro) but to get the source code you need to ask the confidential distribution. Ciao Gigi2014-07-21 11:26 PM
Thank You for answer. Gigi can you help me to receive this source code.
Best regards. Andrew2014-08-12 8:48 AM
The confidential distribution is available free of charge, on demand by contacting your
nearest ST sales office or support team. Regards, Dino