2014-01-23 04:58 AM
In PMSM FOC v3.2 which register store the speed RPM value? Thanks2014-01-23 06:02 AM
Ciao Wong
Can you be a little more precise in your request? Are you meaning the registers present in the Workbench->Monitor->Registers tab? That basically are the registers defined in the serial protocol implemented between firmware and the Workbench. And are you referring to the measured speed, target current speed or final target speed of a ramp command? Ciao Gigi2014-01-23 07:55 PM
Hi Gigi
yes i'm referring the measured speed in firmware. how can i access this value.2014-01-24 12:51 AM
Ciao Wong
It is pretty easy. You can use the MCI_GetAvrgMecSpeed01Hz function. This function returns the measured speed of the motor expressed in tenths of mechanical Hz. For example, in the main.c inside the while loop, you can call: MCI_GetAvrgMecSpeed01Hz(oMCI[0]) * 6 -> Measured speed in RPM You can take a look at the included Doc\STM32 FOC PMSM FW library v3_x developer Help file.chm -> Modules -> STM32_PMSP_MC_Application -> MCInterface -> MCInterface class exported methods for further details. Ciao Gigi