2022-11-15 8:09 PM
2022-11-21 1:13 AM
I never tested it but, I think, that if you want to supply a DC voltage to the board is possible to use the same connectors where you mount the external DC Capacitors respecting the polarity.
See UM2645 for some details on the board.
2022-11-22 7:34 PM
Hi Ciao,
Thanks for the information.
I have few more questions on it.
Could you please provide India support and sales person email id or contact details for further discussions
2022-11-24 1:13 AM
Ciao, here my answers
1 Heat sink is not provided.
2 In the board are present three current sensors for the motor phases. You can find the part number in the Schematics or BOM and order one extra sample for the DC current from the product manufacturer. And sent to a generic analog input developing also the FW code to manage it.
3 The board is compatible with six step but for what I know there is no a FW example ready, so it is up to you to develop the code.
I'm sending in a private message the email of the our sales India contact.
2022-11-26 10:03 PM
Hi Ciao,
Could u please provide, India technical support email id.
2022-11-27 11:55 PM
Ciao, here below my answers
2022-11-30 7:05 AM
Hi ciao,
Thanks for the reply.
2022-12-12 2:25 AM
All of these pins are normally in the range of 0 - 3.3V since our microntroller works with this voltage range.
The only exception is the pin 25 that usually is +5V for circuitry that is not connected with the micro.
2023-05-15 9:04 PM
Hello Ciao,
Thanks for your support, Now we have purchased. 4 Eval boards of STEVAL-TTM001V1.
We are starting testing of those, We need your immediate help on following things.
1. What is the detail procedure to increase the overvoltage limit from 36V to 48V or 60V?
2. How to enable the overcurrent protection as by default its disabled.
3.What is the load consumption of 5V,1A and 3V3,1A power supply supply by STeval components?
4.Can we use 5V and 3V3 as power supplies to external sensor circuitry: which contains sensor and signal conditioning components?
5.If inverter board is used at 48V nominal voltage do we require to mount these R83, R98, R119, R132, R145, R158 registers?
6.Where can to find 4 steps of gate driver SPI?
7.How to enable Inrush current limiter?
8.What is the resolution of the current sensor used in eval board?
Could you please provide asnswer ASAP and also ur offical email id for better communication,