2020-02-18 1:14 PM
Hello there,
I bought an STEF01 eval board STEVAL-EFUSE01 to test the IC out, as it is a very good fit for my upcoming project.
I am having some issues starting the device into higher loads. It looks like the current limiter kicks in a little bit too early. Before going into details, let me present my configuration and setup.
After doing some testing, i verified that the current limit of 1.8A behaves as expected, so no problem there. The problems start when i try to start the device with a resistive load that gives an output current of greater than 950mA. In this case the device limits the current to 950mA, and the output voltage varies depending on what load resistance is connected.
For the pictures below, each color represents the following signal during a startup with a load greater than 950mA
Cdv/dt = not mounted
Cdv/dt = 10nF
Cdv/dt = 47nF
I have also tested with Cdv/dt = 100nF, same result.
So i guess here comes my question; why is the circuit limiting the current to 950mA with a Rlim resistor of 100 ohms?
Any suggestion to why the circuit is behaving this way?
2020-02-26 10:24 AM