2018-01-27 1:11 AM
Is it theoretically possible to use the stall detection in the L6472?
According to the data sheet, this function is not available, but what if I write the register h14 and read the status register (bit 13, bit 14)?
Microstepping over 1/16 (1/64) also seems to be possible when I set it.
#stall-detection-l64722018-02-01 11:52 PM
The sensorless stall detection – present in the L6470 - is not available in the L6472 due to the current control algorithm used.
To understand the working principle of this feature please refer tohttp://www.st.com/resource/en/application_note/dm00075650.pdf
at page 14 (Stall detection paragraph).The h14 register have a RESERVED address and it should never be used. The bit 13 and 14 of STATUS register do not have a significant value.Concerning the microstepping any value in the STEP_MODE register with Bit2 of STEP_SEL parameter set to ‘1’ is translated as 1/16 microstep.