2004-10-18 9:20 PM
St7FMC/AC-Motor Standalone Mode
2011-05-17 1:17 AM
Hi all together,
I'd like to use the ST7FMC Starter Kit without any connection to the PC. In the User's Manual this is called standalone mode. The motor voltage and -frequency are controlled by potentiometer buttons. I proceeded like the description in the manual, but it doesn't work. The parameters are tuned with the control panel and written into the source files. After programming the uC with the ''DataBlaze'' Programmer, removing the ICC-Cable and a hardware reset it should be able to control the Motor speed without the pc. Functions are: - Closed loop: the motor whistles one second. After nearly a second the red led is blinking. Changing the position of the potentiometer doesn't take any effect. - Open loop: same as in closed loop, but if you turn RV1 (frequency) to the maximum and increase RV2 (voltage) the motor is turning with the max. Speed (default 13500 rpm). Decreasing the frequency the effect is a blinking red led. I don't think that this is correct. Note: I haven't done any changes in the source code and the motor, controlled by the control panel is working well. I'm pleased about suggestions. Micha2011-05-17 1:17 AM
first of all I suppose that after you did all the configuration in the control panel, you generated the source files in the right directory by pushing the appropriate button in the control panel. Second one, I would like to know which kind of motor u are using, the applied load torque and the power supply voltage. Did you try to start the motor with nothing applied on the motr shaft? If yes, did you get same results. Please, give me this information and I will try to help you. Regards, Tanio2011-05-17 1:17 AM
You're right, I generated the source files in the right directory. I checked the changes in the *.h Files, the parameters and the Date were updated.
I'm using the provied ''Selni'' Induction Motor. The datasheet is in the office, but if my memories are right, the power is around 800W, the Voltage 0-190V, max. 20.000 rpm. I have to check the operating torque tomorrow. But I think you are interested in the applied torque. I tried to start with idle speed. There is no difference between idle or load. I noticed that you can't turn on the motor shaft with your fingers. It sounds like the alignment phase using the BLDC-motor. At the oszilloscope the motorvoltage looks like a sinewave with very low frequency (1Hz). A halfewave pos. and a halfwave neg. PWM-pulses. Then it stopped. The power supply is at 200V (isolating transformer 3kW). Thanks for help, Micha2011-05-17 1:17 AM
I'm glad, not to be the only one with this problem...
Now, the Selni Motor Characteristics (see Atachment). Regards, Micha2011-05-17 1:17 AM
Hi, I have the same problem with AC software library. In control panel (CP) there is a perfect startup and the motor runs like a ''clockwatch'' (used starter kit SELNI motor in default configuration with open loop). But after compiling with generated values (without any code change) the motor doesn't start at all or is turning with much slower speed (10 times?). It looks that the start-up phase doesn't start the motor in proper time and then it runs on some subharmonics.
The same is also for closed loop configuration, the motor in CP runs well, but in standalone it stops after a second. What is the difference between SW library and ''precompiled'' code for CP?2011-05-17 1:17 AM
The option bytes are programmed the same way.
The second note is very interesting. I wondered, why the motor (at 230V) take so much current using the default settings (without load). I reduced Vmin and the current decreased. The SELNI_AHV.7MC settings are working well with the control panel. Where is this alternative option described? Nevertheless, this is not the solution for my ''standalone'' problem. I think my sourcecode is incorrect. Would someone be so kind and post a correct working code? Best Regards, Micha2011-05-17 1:17 AM
the problem is not unique but it sounds very strange as our starter kits generally work fine; so, just to understand the problem, inside motor control ST lab we decided to take care of the problem you are facing. As soon as we have solved it we will let you know the solution. Best regards, Tanio2011-05-17 1:17 AM
First of all, in order to check the hardware and software functionality please:
1. Program your MCU by using .S19 file installed in the default folder (.....\SofTec Microsystems\AK-ST7FMC\Library\AC\object\Metrowerks) with the option byte configured as shown in the table 5.2 on page 45. 2. Set the jumpers as described in the table 5.9 on page 65. 3. Power the application kit by 220 Volts mains removing the ISP flat cable. 4. Set the potentiometers RV1 and RV2 at 25%. 5. Push ON/OFF pushbutton and check for shaft motor rotation. It must work! Otherwise there are some problems on your SW/HW. After that, if you want modify the Motor parameters and then run the motor in stand-alone mode, please read the paragraph 5.2.4 on page 46.2011-05-17 1:17 AM
Hello Micha,
The problem you face is most probably coming from a Cosmic compiler regression in release 4.5a, causing the sinewave generation routine to fail. This has been fixed in the new release 4.5b, available on the Cosmic web site. As a workaround, if you want to fix the source code manually, you must edit the mtc.c file and change the following line in the MTC_UpdateSine function: ExtendedFreq = (u32)NewFrequency*(u32)256; Just replace (u32)256 by 256L (or 256UL). So it becomes: ExtendedFreq = (u32)NewFrequency*256L; By the way, there's no difference between the SW library and the precompiled code. This last code is actually made of the library plus some monitoring and communication modules. Best regards, Vincent[ This message was edited by: vonde on 18-10-2004 17:13 ]