2020-03-29 8:04 AM
I have a fixed voltage version of the ST1S06xx, but I am struggling to make it work as there is essentially no information on what the Vo pin does, apart from "output voltage in fixed voltage version". That is the only mention of the existence of the fixed voltage version of the device in the datasheet. Leaving Vo floating results in no regulation, tying it to ground results in no regulation, and tying it to the output (I have the 3.3v version) would be above the absolute maximum for the error amplifier.
An application schematic or an explanation of what "Vo" is supposed to do would be most helpful.
2020-09-14 11:37 PM
If you have the fixed version for 3.3Vout simple you need to connect this pin to the node L-Cout.
Basically this is the feedback pin with the resistors divider inside the device, be sure device is not damaged