2018-04-17 7:36 AM
I got the STEVAL-ISA164V1 board from Digikey.
As far as the datasheet and online material shows, its an STNRG family of digital controller. Also, the IC mounted on the board is STNRG388A but when i open ST SMED configuration tool i'm unable to connect the board in STNRG category. The board connect successfully in STLUX385A category but i can't run any SMED. When i tried to connect the board using GUI software, it get connected but i can't see any Registers to manipulate.
I only see the Register restoreAfterReboot.
Secondly, when i tried to update the firmware of the board using en.stsw-stluxdev01 tool, its also not recognizing the board. I'm attaching the screenshot of error i get every time. (I'm giving the correct COM port shown in Device Manager).
Waiting for your positive response.
#stnrg388a #digital-power #steval-isa164v1