2003-04-24 10:26 PM
2011-05-17 1:16 AM
I have some questions regarding the ST72141 micro. I am developing a control board for BLDC motor. My questions are the following: I'd like to know 1) How to get a proportional cofficient and integral cofficinet. 2) what is a influence to be caused by them : if you give me a sample formula to get them, it's better 3) what is a precaution or influence to be caused delay cofficient I am waiting for your feedback promptly.2011-05-17 1:16 AM
I have a French customer who developed several BLDC applications on ST72141's base. I can put you in connection with this customer if you wish it. Sent I a email to this address:mailto:lpetrus@tekeleceurope.com
regards LP2011-05-17 1:16 AM
Excuse me but it would much more beneficial for the entire community if you would tell your customer about this forum and ask him if he would be willing to exchange his experiences in the forum..
2011-05-17 1:16 AM
Integral and proportional coefficients are parameters of the regulation.
The regulation is used in order to maintain a predefined speed even with a variable/unknown motor load. On the ST72141, the regulation is done by software. That means: - you need a regulation routine to perform the control - the integral and proportional parameters are built in your program The selection of those parameters may be a difficult task, that implie a lot of testing. The parameters will depend on the application (system inertia, reaction time needed...) this is the way I usually proceed: - start with a low proportional/integral parameters - increase the proportional parameter until you reach a good reaction time for your application. - Avoid a coefficient too high that would create oscillations. - When you reach a correct value, the error on the speed is usually too big - then you can increase the integral value to reduce the error. - again a parameter too high will generate oscillations Regarding the delay coefficient: this parameter controls the phase shift between the back-EMF voltage and the current waveform. It therefore controls the efficiency of the motor. It is indeed a very important parameter! Set it to 16/32 at low speed and decrease this as the speed goes up. An erroneous value at low speed may prevent themotor from running. I hope it helps! Max2011-05-17 1:16 AM
Hello all,
Please, look at the document enclosed to my post. I hope it will be useful for you. Regards dimarcog [ This message was edited by: dimarcog on 25-04-2003 10:57 ][ This message was edited by: dimarcog on 25-04-2003 11:01 ]