2013-05-24 3:01 PM
Can one implement stall detection on the L6474? Thanks Andre2013-05-28 1:02 AM
Hi Andre
Unfortunately it is not possible to implement this feature using the L6474.2014-06-25 7:05 PM
Enrico, do you know how to impliment anti resonace control in a stepper driver ? Some stepper drives have it.
2014-06-30 8:51 AM
Damping the resonances of the stepper motors through an electronic control (electronic damping) can be very complex.
First of all you need a feedback which identify the resonance condition (usually an high resolution encoder) and than you need to drive the motor coils in order to generate a proper damping stimulus. In general the resonances are dampen using mechanical systems shifting the oscillation frequency out of the operative range. Enrico