2007-06-04 10:59 PM
2011-05-17 1:14 AM
I use L6205 for my application: it drive 2 motors, PWM40KHz, 28V/2A. I must plus power: I have insert 2 L6205 in parallel configuration: My application run for 30 minuts and after...one driver crash (smoke and flash, distructive!!!). Question: I have wrong the parallel connection? I have try also to insert R of 100K and C of 5.6nF between pin microcontroller and driver: I have same result! Thanks for your help!2011-05-17 1:14 AM
the motor absorb 7.5A (and NOT 2A). I have insert C at 68nf and R at 100K (before the C was 5.6nF) in this configuration: http://digilander.libero.it/ciccio.unico/schema2.jpg this is the enable when the motor absorb 7.5A:(green line) http://digilander.libero.it/ciccio.unico/D003.jpg This is the driver....: http://digilander.libero.it/ciccio.unico/DSC0.jpg :-[ I suppose it's protected from overcurrent and over-thermal but it's not protected from both effect! True? It's possible? Thanks for advice and help!2011-05-17 1:14 AM