2022-04-17 5:45 PM
2022-05-16 7:59 AM
Hi @luckysquad ,
we don’t have any video for the simulation set-up of SPV1050�?.
However, the simulation with TEG supply at input stage is quite simple.
In fact, the TEG supply can be simulated by a voltage source (Vs) with a resistor (Rs) in series.
Vs and Rs depends to the ∆temperature applied to the TEG.
Assuming you want to test at ∆temperature = ∆TMAX then:
For the selection of the proper mode (boos or buck-boost) and for the application components of SPV1050, please refer to the datasheet (https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/SPV1050.pdf).
2022-05-21 12:36 AM
but did you know how can I get the lib component for spv1050? cause I try to find the component but doesn't have the lib for this IC. I try to use PSpice cadence but don't have this IC. can you help me.
2022-05-24 12:58 AM
@luckysquad ,
I provide you a zip file containing the following:
SPV1050 Macro-Model for Cadence OrCAD PSpice
The SPV1050 Macro-Model has been developed and validated by using the simulation platform Cadence OrCAD ORCAD PSPICE v16.6.
The standalone SPV1050 macro-model library (encrypted) is ./LIB/SPV1050_macromodel.lib
and its symbol library is ./LIB/SPV1050_macromodel.OLB .
This archive SPV1050_ORCAD_project.zip contains the sample OrCAD project SPV1050.opj and all its related files, to show the
SPV1050 macro-model usage in the following four application schematics testbenches:
1) TB_PV: testbench BUCK-BOOST using a panel with Voc=9V e Isc=100u;
2) TB_PV_with_SHADOW: testbench BUCK-BOOST using a panel with Voc=9V
and Isc=100u at startup and after a shadow that reduces the panel power to 30uW
with 150mV on MPP: in order to simulate this testbench the parameter Tsample has
been fictious reduced from 16s to 2s to allow a fast tracking of the fast shadow;
3) TB_TEG: testbench BOOST using a TEG con V_TEG=700mV e I_TEG=100u;
4) TB_TEG__MIN_Pin: testbench BOOST using a TEG with minimum power, with
V_TEG=500mV e I_TEG=30u.
For the BOOST configuration, a parameter called FAST_BOOST_STARTUP had been defined and if it’s set to 1, it allows
the capacitor CSTORE charge through a constant current during the startup till 2.5V, in order to speed-up the startup behavior
by avoiding the slow charge pump activity.
2022-05-24 8:11 PM
I already get the file and do simulation using PSpice OrCAD cadence. but when I try to run the file that you gave me, the error comes out. it said ( shown in picture). did you know how to solve this error? and I realize something that the .lib file was encrypted. is it because the file was encrypted so the error come out??
2022-05-25 2:32 AM
@luckysquad ,
The sent SPV1050_ORCAD_project works successfully in ST side, probably you are is using an old and not patched or not full features Cadence OrCAD PSpice v17.4 platform:
below you find the ST obtained simulation results by running the user tried testbech TB_TEG_Min_Pin and the ST used OrCAD v17.4 platform ( it isn’t a demo version but a full licensed features) .
Cadence OrCAD environment exhibits some issues managing projects stored in long Windows path therefore try also to store and start the SPV1050_ORCAD_project from a shorter path folder , for example from c:\temp.
2022-05-25 7:34 AM
if you don't mind, can you share the video on how you use OrCAD cadence to simulate this IC and get the result you show in the picture above? I really need your help :(. because actually I'm a beginner, so I do not really understand how to use this orcad cadence and what should I do if I get some error. please help me I really need your help :(
2022-05-25 10:03 AM
Sorry @luckysquad , but can't provide more material.
The above model, equipped with a project with sample testbenches, is compatible with a Cadence OrCAD PSpice full licensed version, not demo. The version is >=16.6
Now it's up to you to continue with your application.
2022-05-27 11:24 PM
can you explain a little bit about the picture that you have shown above and how the parameter set 500 m and 30 u influences the result that you get? i want to know, why you set parameter values like that and what the reasons.
2022-07-31 12:09 AM
hai, Mr. Marco. I want to ask. did you have the bill of material for this design. ?