2019-09-19 03:11 AM
I am currently working on a project where we would like to use the L9960T and therefore we have ordered a EVAL-L9960T board.
We need to use it only as a simple H-bridge without benefiting from the SPI settings and diagnostics capabilties.
I have now been trying for two days to get it up and runing withoutany luck.
I have DIS set to LOW and the NDIS set to HIGH, and i am using the IN1A and IN2A as PWM and DIR respectively. Is it correctly assumed that this would result in the output to alter direction based on the DIR pin or am I missing something? I can't seem to find anything in the datasheet implying that I need to set up anything with the SPI if I only need this basic functionality.
The result of these pin settings gives me the voltage VS on both OUT1A and OUT2A.
I have tried two different evaluation board, both we the same behavior.
I hope someone can help me. Thank you in advance.