2020-04-23 4:25 AM
Hello all, I'm interested in getting the STEVAL-SPIN3201 for my robotics project.
I'd like to know if it's possible to control it with PWM/PPM commands, and if it is, how to perform the connections (it's not shown in the datasheet, maybe when buying it, it comes with some further instructions?)
Finally, I'd also like to know if it allows to program forward/backard and braking commands with this PWM signal.
Thank you,
- Olaya
2020-04-23 9:55 AM
Basically, if you are able to tell the motor, what to do (spinning forward/backward, regulating torque and so on), you can use every control signal for that. You just need to decode and "translate" it.
In one of my projects i used a pwm driven controller (Cytron MDD10A) with 2 brushed dc motors, controlled with step/dir signals via a nucleo f401re. If you want to take a look:
Should be easy to understand. For "regulating" everything, i used a PID system ...
Edit: there´s nearly no further information, after you bought something from st. And getting brushless dc motors up and running outside the provided (and well promoted...) motor control workbench can be more than just very hard. Tutorials and How-To´s are just not existent , when it comes to st and motor control. You have to be an engineer with at least 5 years of university to get the stuff up and running, as you want to ...