2010-06-14 6:19 PM
fault message with speed mode: overcurrent
2011-05-17 1:20 AM
have you tried to relax speed controller (decrease P and I gains)?2011-05-17 1:20 AM
yes, I've tried many times.
but if i run with sensorless motor mode, the motor can running both in speed mode or torque mode.
What could this happen because of damage form hall sensors?
2011-05-17 1:20 AM
each of the edges of the Hall sensors output are used to 'refresh' both the speed and the angle information. At low speed this 'refresh' rate is lower and this can justify the worse speed control loop performance especially if you also consider that some mismatch on the Hall sensors positioning can be present. We are working to bring to Hall sensor management FW module some improvements: double the angle and speed refresh rate and make it more robust to Hall sensors positioning mismatch. This new modifications will be released in next library release that should come to the light end of this yea. Regards, Billino