2020-04-29 2:52 AM
I have a STEVAL - Spin3202 board. I want to use this board and ST motor control workbend to control my BLDC.
I use ST motor control workbend to generate code ( for KeilC). When I try to load project to Spin3202 an error appears: "No target connected"
When I goto Target Driver setup I saw just STLINK is detected, but MCU (STSPIN32F0A) can't detect. Is there a link error between STlink and MCU (all of them are embeded on this board)
I tried to load this code by St link utility, but it still doesn't work
Please help me to fix this error.
2022-03-17 7:23 AM
Same issue on the same board.
I've tried to connect to the eval board usid STM32CUBEProgrammer only to see if I can, establish a connection and I get the message: "No STM32 target found"
I use the last version of STM32CUBEProgrammer, the last ST-link drivers version, and I've used STlinkupgarde to upgrade the firmawre. I'have both try on windows 7 and windows 10 computer.
Same issue with STM32CubeMx: no device found
Same issue with serial connection with MotorControl Workbench 5.4.8: no device found (The transmission speed was 9600 baud).
I've tried with two different board: One I used successfully 2 years ago and with one "out of the box".
Always the same issue even with playing around with several option (Under reset, press the rest buttion while trying to connect and release it)
In brief nothing work.
Someone has an idea of what to do ?
Best regards