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After L6208 configures the circuit according to the manual, the chip is easy to heat up

Associate II


Cristiana SCARAMEL
ST Employee

I edited the title translating it from Chinese to English with Google translate for an easy research in the Community

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Cristiana SCARAMEL
ST Employee

Hi @Wyoun.1​,

the circuit at page 35 of application notes AN1451 is related to a package option no more available.

Are you using the L6208PD (PowerSO36) or L6208D (SO-24) option?

Could you share your schematic with components value for a fast review?

Moreover, please give more details on the driving option: step mode (HALF/FULL pin status), decay mode (CONTROL pin status), voltage reference value.

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Associate II

I am using L6208D (SO-24)

Hi @Wyoun.1​ ,

ok for L6208D.

What about the others questions?

  • Schematic with components value
  • Details of driving: : step mode (HALF/FULL pin status), decay mode (CONTROL pin status), voltage reference value

Please provide more application details.

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Step mode : HALF , Slow decay mode


Hello @Wyoun.1​ ,

some feedback on your schematic:

  1. The RC network connected to EN pin is missing. It must be sized to ensure a safe overcurrent (OC) protection. In details, you can set the disable time (time before recovering normal operation after an OC event) and the delay time (time before turning off the bridge after an OC event). Recommended values for REN and CEN are respectively 100 kohm and 5.6 nF that allow obtaining about 1 us of delay time and 200 us of disable time. 
  2. The LM358 to set the VREF value is not necessary. You can connect the resistors divider directly on the VREF pins (VREFA and VREFB).
  3. The RC network to set off time is 39kohkm/1nF. Were these values chosen based on motor characteristics?

To check the point 3 and if the RC values fitting the application requirements, could you share some oscilloscope waveforms with phases current and phases voltage of the motor?

The not proper working of PWM current control could cause extra heating.

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Hello @Wyoun.1​ did you solve your thermal issue?

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