2019-10-21 1:56 AM
We have a requirement of measuring/sensing 3 phase transformer current (1000A range) using rogowski cable .The output of this cable is fed to the low stage gain and high stage gain integrator circuit and it is then fed to the microcontroller .The microcontroller converts the analog signals to digital (with internal adc) and the final output is obtained.
Currently we are using a discrete integrator circuitry for integrating the output of the rogoswki coil .Our requirement is to replace the discrete integrator circuits between the Rogowski coil and microcontroller with an IC for current sensing.Kindly suggest us any 3 phase rogowski coil current sensing solution that takes 3 phase(R,Y,B) coil input and provides direct digital output of the current measured to the controller.
kindly suggest us if there is any module solution that senses 3 phase transformer current and gives a digital output directly.