2004-04-18 11:10 PM
2004-04-16 4:44 AM
We (my R&D department) are working on a new embedded video device. We plan to use a STV3500 (a TV video processor) wich contain a ST20 core running at 100MHz (!) -> it will be PERFECT for our application. As i'm new to ST20 processors, i have few (some) questions regarding this device. (i've *almost* read all the post concerning the STI5512, and ST20 proc.) -Is there no ST20 documentation available ? -Where are the ST20 softwares ??? - How do i start with ST20 ??? - How can i send my code to my STV3500's flash memory ? Do i have to use a JTAG interface ? Which sofwtare do i use? - Can i built my own JTAG interface ? - What assembler do you recommend ? - What flash memory do you recommend ? - Is the ST20 Ansi C toolset 1.8.* is compatible with the STV3500 core ? - How can i protect my code in the flash memory ? Thank you. [ This message was edited by: MyRDS on 16-04-2004 17:15 ]2004-04-18 11:10 PM
The forum doesn't cover the ST20.
I recommend you to contact your local sales representative.