2003-10-06 2:36 PM
2003-03-13 4:25 AM
Any indication on when and how much on this new part?
Or should I go to the local dist - their sales haven't heard of it cos there is no part number. I'll try their rep.2003-07-21 9:51 PM
The STPC VEGA will be available in sample in October-November 2003.
Salestype: STPCV1JEBC For budgetary price please asked your local disty or Local ST Contact. We already have some beta samples on the field. To become a better customer you need to be qualified by your ST local Contact. Regards2003-09-08 4:26 PM
I was wondering if there was any update on availability - is production scheduled at all? When samples are available, will they be limited in quantity? I have a new design starting for a single board computer that needs to be signed off before christmas '03 and am trying to gauge whether the Vega is an option for the design. Thanks, Ewan J. Wordsworth Melbourne, Australia.2003-10-06 2:36 PM
To add to Ewan's comments. We are now in October, so can anyone from ST make a statement about the status of the Vega? Is there any production schedule for that part? I had a design proposal using the Vega back in January 2002. The delays and the low-low-low profile of the marketing about the Vega are scary. Please say something.