2009-01-10 6:40 PM
using external interrupt in STR912
2009-01-10 6:40 PM
I am a newbie am working on a STR912 development board. I want to use external interrupt for IR interface (such as remote). I am using the following configuration in main function :
GPIO_DeInit(GPIO3); GPIO_Struct.GPIO_Pin= GPIO_Pin_2; GPIO_Struct.GPIO_Direction=GPIO_PinInput; GPIO_Struct.GPIO_Type=GPIO_Type_PushPull; // GPIO_Struct.GPIO_Alternate = GPIO_InputAlt1; GPIO_Struct.GPIO_IPConnected = GPIO_IPConnected_Enable; SCU_WakeUpLineConfig(2); GPIO_Init(GPIO3,&GPIO_Struct); I am trying to use EXTIT2() handler function provided in 91x_it.c. However I cannot make it work. How do I setup the code to access this handler ? Can somebody help please... Thanks in Advance2010-02-05 11:09 AM