2003-12-21 8:21 PM
STM Windows NT driver & Windows XP
2003-12-01 2:34 AM
I have a problem while installing “STM Windows NT driver�? for my ST7MDTU2-EPB programmer. When I’m trying to install this driver in Windows XP system crashes and restarts itself. After rebooting when the logon window appears and it crashes again. Is there any chance to install this driver under win XP? Maybe someone has some experience in this kind of trouble?
2003-12-05 5:52 PM
Can you give the following information :
1/ PC details : speed, parallel port setting 2/ OS details : Service pack 3/ Could you look for the files parstm.sys and par1284.sys on your system and send the result of the search? 4/ Does your PC have more than 1 parallel port?[ This message was edited by: dasg on 06-12-2003 09:30 ]2003-12-16 10:55 PM
par 1284: (IEEE 1284 Driver) v4.6.0.0
parstm: (Parallel Driver for STM development tool boards) v1.2.0.0 I hope this small package of information will help you [ This message was edited by: PaulII on 17-12-2003 12:27 ]2003-12-21 4:10 PM
Regarding the details I asked for, I know the machine speed, OS, that you have only one port and that both the system driver files are there(I am assuming they are in the correct path)
1/ What is the system address of your LPT1? 2/ Are you in fact able to drive your EPB using STVP7 or is it unable to detect the hadrware configuration?2003-12-21 8:21 PM
[ Devices ]
Device Properties: Driver Description Port drukarki ECP (LPT1) Driver Date 2001-07-01 Driver Version 5.1.2600.0 Driver Provider Microsoft INF File msports.inf Device Resources: DMA 03 Port 0378-037F Port 0778-077B Prgrammer cannot detect anything2010-01-22 12:07 AM