2008-06-13 11:36 AM
2011-05-17 12:53 AM
Hi, I have a sofware running in STR9 (STR912FW44XB). I need to install a command system via usb. The mcu receive ascii command and generate action acording to them). I download the DFU_bootloader but i still don't know how to start. Can someone resume me the step to get it work. An example will be also greatly apreciate.
Thank you for your help Michel2011-05-17 12:53 AM
Don't forget if you get a HW Reset that isn't from the Power on Reset you need to
// ************************************************ // A system reset does not reset the USB registers. // ************************************************ _SetCNTR(0x0003); _SetISTR(0x0000); _SetDADDR(0x0000); _SetBTABLE(0x0000);