2003-10-21 12:43 AM
2011-05-17 2:56 AM
Hello all…
I don’t have so much experience with the C language and the USB protocol, and I need to utilize the routines for transmit/receive by this protocol, these routines are in the DK3200_dsn_2.zip archive. I have some doubts about the functions implemented in this archive. The questions are: - What I have to set (variables, SFRs…) and which functions are necessary to call for transmit a data by USB? - When I will know that I can transmit data by USB (USB is not in busy)? - When I will have sure that the transfer or reception has been finished? - Where are the data received and where I will put the data for transfer? - Which are the differences between the SFRs UDT0 and UDT1? These questions can be simple, but I couldn’t resolve than. If somebody has a good tip about USB I would like to know. Excuse for the used grammar. Regards. Witt