2006-01-16 7:00 PM
2005-12-19 1:10 AM
Hi Iamanil
Sorry but I have not got any further with this problem, and I have also posted another request in this forum, but I get no answers. It is still a problem for me to get read bulk to work correctly. Best regards, Frank Andersen2006-01-03 12:19 AM
I think this is my Problem too. Has anyone a solution? regards2006-01-03 2:46 AM
Nops...not moved any further...
2006-01-10 9:23 PM
damn..... :-Y
I solved my Problem. There was a bug in the Windows XP (SP1) USB Module. I patched it, an everything works fine. :o Be sure to have installed if your working on WinXp with SP1. regards2006-01-11 2:16 AM
Hi Guys.
I downloaded bulkusb-ddk.zip, and I have a question, where I can find SDK for this source. I try compile this source in borland c++, but compilation faild, becouse t i don't have devioctl.h setupapi.h usbdi.h.2006-01-11 2:22 AM
Hey re-G,
Thanks for the update. I'm on a Win XP SP2 machine. I believe that this update wouldn’t work for me. Can you please forward me the example source code of the bulk transfer. Regards,2006-01-16 6:00 AM
Hi All,
Jungo has a solution named WinDriver that allows one to access a USB device and so send or receive data on pipes directly from User mode. So you can develop your STR71x USB firmware ( Control/Interrupt/ Bulk/ isochronous) and test it with this Software PC solution in all Windows platforms. have a look to www.jungo.com Rgds :o :o :o2006-01-16 7:00 PM
Thx Rave.
I'm working with the USB Dev Driver, developed by . It seems like beeing the same as jungo provides. But thx for the link. @ianmali This is only a bug of SP1. I don't think this patch will work on SP2, sry. regards