2004-02-10 4:22 AM
2011-05-17 2:58 AM
Can any one post a working source code for using UART0 and UART1. I'm Using uPSD DK3300 Development Kit. Thank you DO2011-05-17 2:58 AM
Have a look at the 3200 examples, this includes uart code
http://www.st.com/stonline/products/families/memories/psm/support/dk32_dd.zip aswell as the 3300 examples http://www.st.com/stonline/products/families/memories/psm/support/dk33_dd.zip As the upsd uses the standard 8051 uart, the internet is full of example uart code, do a search in google, or have a look on www.8052.com Regards sjo2011-05-17 2:58 AM
Thank you