2006-12-04 9:54 PM
2011-05-17 2:31 AM
I tried a system reset at 96Mhz. But the CPU never comes from the reset. Only after power up. In the errata sheet for STR91xF Contrioller I fond that the FMI Clock must be configured to run at 48 MHz. I have made this but the problem is still there. Have I made somthhing wrong? /* Enable VIC clock */ SCU_AHBPeriphClockConfig(__VIC, ENABLE); VIC_DeInit(); SCU_RCLKDivisorConfig(SCU_RCLK_Div1); // RCLK Div 1 = 96Mhz SCU_HCLKDivisorConfig(SCU_HCLK_Div1); // HCLK Div 1 = 96MHz SCU_PCLKDivisorConfig(SCU_PCLK_Div1); // PCLK Div 1 = 96 MHz SCU_FMICLKDivisorConfig(SCU_FMICLK_Div2); FMI_Config(FMI_READ_WAIT_STATE_2, FMI_WRITE_WAIT_STATE_1, FMI_PWD_ENABLE, FMI_LVD_ENABLE,FMI_FREQ_LOW); SCU_PLLFactorsConfig(192,25,2); /* PLL = 96 MHz */ SCU_PLLCmd(ENABLE); /* PLL Enabled */ SCU_MCLKSourceConfig(SCU_MCLK_PLL); // Master Clock = 96 MHz Can anyone help me? Silicon Rev D Date Code 6102011-05-17 2:31 AM
The STR9 and ST9 are different devices. Please post your question in the STR9 forum. Regards