2006-11-02 5:12 PM
STR912 freertos+lwip+gcc problem
2011-05-17 2:31 AM
Hello, friends
I downloaded source code of FreeRTOS(IAR version) for STR912 demo board. I ported it to gcc compiler. After compiling, I programed the rtosdemo.hex to the str91x demo board,it worked very well. But when I compiled freertos(gcc) together with lwip source(did not call any functions of lwip! just compiled them together) and burned the rtosdemo.hex to the target board, the target board did not work! I 'm puzzled! I just compiled lwip with freertos without calling any functions of lwip! When i removed lwip source and compiled freertos again, the target board would run happily again! Can any friend give my hints? thanks very much!@ floating2011-05-17 2:31 AM
The STR9 and ST9 are different devices Regards