2007-10-10 4:02 AM
STR71x Reference manual Revision History
2007-10-10 4:02 AM
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Dear, New revision of STR71x Reference manual Rev1 is available for download from the web site; Here below, changes compared to the last revision UM0084 (Rev8); + Created new document RM0002 to replace UM0084 and restart revision numbering. + Modified section 1.3.4: ''Write access examples'' Figure3 and Figure 5: - 1.5*tMCLK between address valid and the assertion of both nCS and nRD. + Updated Section 2.6.2: ''Clock flag register (RCCU_CFR)'' - Bits 14:11 ; read/clear write 1 instead of read/clear write 0. + Modified Section 3.1.3: ''Alternate function I/O (AF)''. - For alternate function inputs, the port must be configured in Input mode and the input pin must be driven externally. + Added Section 5.3.4: ''RTC flag assertion'' - Added Note: If RTC interrupts are used during Run, Slow, WFI or LPWFI modes the RTC clock must beat least 4 times slower than PCLK2 clock. However, it still possible to use the RTC alarm but through the XTI interrupt (XTI Line15). + Updated Section 5.4.3: ''RTC prescaler load register high (RTC_PRLH)'' - These bits are used to define the counter clock frequency according to the following formula: fTR_CLK = fRTC/(PRL[19:0]+1). - Caution: The zero value is not recommended, otherwise RTC interrupts and flags cannot be asserted correctly. + Updated Section 5.4.4: ''RTC prescaler load register low (RTC_PRLL)'' - These bits are used to define the counter clock frequency according to the following formula: fTR_CLK = fRTC/(PRL[19:0]+1. - Added Note; If the input clock frequency(fRTC) is 32.768 kHz, write 7FFFh in this register to get a signal period of 1 second. + Updated Section 10.7: ''Start-up status'' - The MSTR bit must be set high and then the BSPI must be enabled. + Updated Section 11.4.7: ''UART guardtime register (UARTn_GTR)'' - Bits 15:8 are reserved. + Updated Section 13.5.2 ''13.5.2 System and power-on reset'' - Added USB startup time. + Updated Section 15.2: ''APB Software Reset Register (APBn_SWRES)'' - Added Table 54 APB1 peripherals and Table 55 APB2 peripherals. Best Regards. [ This message was edited by: coucou on 13-10-2007 14:59 ]