2007-11-18 11:41 PM
2007-11-18 6:05 PM
Dear, All
I’m trying to test the HDLC of STR71x, But I can not find the reference and document of it anywhere. So, would you give me your help as like the reference for HDLC. Thanks2007-11-18 11:41 PM
As far as I understand, at some point ST removed references to HDLC from STR71x documentation due to bugs in the silicon. You can still find information on HDLC in the earlier revisions of the STR71x Reference Manual. For example, revision 6 is available here:
http://www.embedinfo.com/English/download/STR710datasheet.pdf It is likely that there are mistakes in this revision. Besides, some of the documented HDLC functions might not work. Personally, I never tried it, but I read in forums that some developers have had some success with HDLC in the STR71x.