2005-06-16 3:43 PM
2005-06-13 4:36 AM
Has anyone else had a problem with accessing the external SRAM of the STR710-Eval above the 1Megabyte mark? Thanks Mark2005-06-13 4:47 AM
Yes i have the same problem...
I don't managed to write in the external SRAM even if i write the lines found in this forum... Could you please give us a few more help2005-06-13 11:04 PM
I've wrote those lines in my program: So i initialize the bank 1, witch is conected to the external SRAM, and then, i write the number 0x55 into it, and read it... Then, in my program, i send the ''data'' on the RS232, and nothing appear (but i'm sure that the RS232 run, i've made test), so the problem is really from the external SRAM configuration...
//Configure les bits de selection /CS et d'adressage en OUT PP. IOPORT2_Config(0x000F,GPIO_AF_PP); BCON1 |= 0x8015; BCON2 &= 0x0015; BCON3 &= 0x0015; BCON0 &= 0x0015; *(__REG8*)(0x620000000) = 0x55; data = *(__REG8*)0x62000000;2005-06-14 2:01 AM
are there anything to modify on the board (jump, switch) to write and read in the EMI SRAM???
2005-06-14 3:11 AM
My code is executed in the internal Flash mapped at 0x0. The boot mode is: SW15 = 0 SW14 = X SW13 = X I use the EMI to enter data in the external ram... After, it will be used to dialog with a FPGA. Is there something wrong in my code? Regards Dam2005-06-14 3:26 AM
I don't use RDVK.
We have choosen WinIdea IDE with IAR compilator. In my memory windows, icn't write data at the 0x62000000 address... Regards Dam2005-06-14 4:03 AM
No, i use WinIdea IDE with IAR C compilator. Is it possible to be a hardware problem? Damien2005-06-16 3:43 PM
I am using Green Hills Software tools. I notice that when I try to read or write memory above the 1MB mark with my JTAG I have problems. Also Green Hills states in their linker file which describes the memory layout on the board that there is something wrong with accessing the SRAM on the STR710-EVAL board above 1MB.