2006-03-09 3:44 AM
STPC Consumer II Video Driver for WinCE 5.0
2006-01-03 2:49 PM
I have a problem with the STPC Consumer II BSP for WinCE 5.0 In the 1024x768 mode, there is a grey line on the left hand side of the screen. Is there a solution to this problem? The other modes (640x480) and (800x600) are fine. Thanks in advance,2006-01-09 2:57 PM
Dear coucou,
I have solved my problem, thanks!2006-02-17 3:25 AM
Hello Betohsu,
What was the problem of grey line? Is it linked to our BSP wince5.0? Thanks.2006-03-06 2:50 PM
Dear Coucou,
Does the STPC Controller II driver support 320x240 in WinCE 5.0? Thanks,2006-03-09 3:44 AM
Dear Betohsu,
The BSP 5.0 does not support the 320x240 resolution. It only supports the 1024x768, 800x600 & 640x480 resolutions. Does your application requires the 320x240? what was the cause of the grey line? Thanks.