2010-01-20 8:00 AM
[ANN] eLua (Lua for microcontrollers) 0.7 released
2010-01-20 8:00 AM
eLua is an effort to expand the presence of the Lua programming language in the embedded world, especially on MCU platforms. It is meant to be a complete MCU development environment. It currently runs on a number of ARM variants, as well as Cortex and AVR32 (and i386 as a proof of concept). Version 0.7 was just released, this is the changelog:
* Compiling eLua under Windows is now officially supported * Added LuaRPC (remote procedure calls in the embedded world) * Added generic and portable SD/MMC Card FAT File System support * New shell cat/type command, lists text file contents * New ROMFS build modes: compress and compile * Added support for Olimex STR-E912 board * Added the STR9 platform specific pio module * Added Robert Jakabosky's EGC (Emergency Garbage Collector) patch to eLua * Added support for the PUC-Rio eLua board, NXP LPC2468 MCU * Added basic CAN module * New full CSS based site/doc menu * More portuguese content translations * ADC module doc enhancements * More tutorials and general doc enhancements You can find all the project documentation at