2003-09-11 9:45 PM
ST92T141 programming specifications
2011-05-17 2:34 AM
FAE from Italy here... A customer using ST92T141 is asking us some information on how to perform an in circuit programming on this OTP microcontroller in such a way to optimize board manufacturing. Which pins are involved? Is there some documentation about it? Best Regards E.C.2011-05-17 2:34 AM
One can do ISP JTAG with ST92E141 EPB, thanks to the W1 connector (cf pin-out here below). Beware that the inputs OSCIN, RESET et VPP, managed by the EPB, must be deconnected when programming; Clearly this is a limitation of this approach (together with the JTAG high pin count). Best regards, VO --- W1 is a 16-pin connector (2.54mm pitch = HE10). TMS 1 - 2 OSCIN TCK 3 - 4 RESETn TDI 5 - 6 TEST0 TRST 7 - 8 NC TDO 9 -10 NC NC 11-12 NC NC 13-14 VPP GND 15-16 GND NC = Not Connected TMS = P5.3 TCK = P5.4 TDI = P5.2 TRST = P5.5 TDO = P5.0 TEST0 = P5.7 [ This message was edited by: vonde on 12-09-2003 10:18 ]