2003-10-14 9:35 AM
2011-05-17 2:35 AM
Dear Sirs, I noticed on ST92F150 Datasheet (June 2003 - Rev. 1.4) that the emulator ST92F150-EMU2 supports also ST92F250 with some limitations reported in Table 71, Note1:
''The I²C 1 and the general purpose I/Os P3.0, P6.6 and P6.7 cannot be emulated by this emulator. Since the upper 128Kbytes of Flash memory are emulated with a RAM memory, the programming operations on the F4 and F5 Flash sectors are not emulated.'' I'm asking you if a future emulator version without these limitations has been planned. This is important for some of our customers. Thanks in Advance Best Regards. Enrico2011-05-17 2:35 AM
You have more details on differences between ST92F250 and emulator in the AN1578 (Developing ST92F250 applications using the ST92F150-EMU2 Emulator).