2003-04-16 8:00 AM
ST92F120/F150/F250 startup time (TestFlash, crtbegin etc.)
2011-05-17 2:33 AM
What is the ST92F120/F150/F250 startup time after an external reset ?
Skywalker2011-05-17 2:33 AM
Hi Skywalker,
I recently measured these timings using my getting started program. Sources are available from another discussion (see ) Notice that this example has a its startup file (see crtbegin.spp) slightly modified compared to the default one (the one delivered with the ST9+ toolschain). These results (see below) were obtained with a 4MHz crystal and my code does not contain any initialized variable (RAM variable or direct register). Startup time is then Startup time = ~ ~ 7.9ms + TestFlash 1. ST92F150, rev Y TestFlash with SOUT high = 1.5ms TestFlash with SOUT low = 8ms so Startup time with SOUT high = 9.4ms Startup time with SOUT low = 7ms 2. ST92F250, rev A TestFlash with SOUT high = 5ms TestFlash with SOUT low = 7ms so Startup time with SOUT high = 4ms Startup time with SOUT low = 6ms 3. ST92F120, rev Y TestFlash with SOUT high = 1ms TestFlash with SOUT low = 3ms so Startup time with SOUT high = 39ms Startup time with SOUT low = 2ms I hope this helps Jojo [ This message was edited by: jojo on 16-04-2003 20:32 ]