2002-09-24 9:39 PM
2002-09-24 4:39 AM
I am using two ST72F324 in one application. I want to use only one resonator at 3,6MHz with PLL enabled. If the PLL is enabled on both devices, is it possible to use the first devices with resonator and the second one with external frequency which is coming from the OSC-pin of the first micro?
Thanks a lot!2002-09-24 9:39 PM
You have to be careful; there are some limitations of the ST72F324 device: 1.The Resonator frequency must be 4MHz or higher. At lower frequencies fcpu is not stable. Moreover PLL can be used in the range of 2-4Mhz only thus the only possible frequency is 4MHz. 2.PLL is not recommended for application that requires timing accuracy. If the above conditions satisfied you can use one resonator for driving two micros.