2017-03-31 5:45 AM
Hello Everyone.. I have come across ST710F microcontroller in one of our old designs. I tried to find the information about this microcontroller but I have not found any information. Is this part obsolete? If it is obsolete, then what is closest replacement for this microcontroller. Can anyone reply to this as soon as possible?
2017-03-31 8:48 AM
Or an STR710F ? It helps if you transcribe the part number off the device correctly, or perhaps take a picture
There is an ST7 and STR7 forum here.
So pick a modern micro-controller with the features you product needs, and port your design to that. Assume there isn't a drop in pin-to-pin replacement.
There are still STR710F parts in stock at Digikey and Mouser
2017-04-03 1:03 AM
Thanks for your response. Right now we only have a schematic (please find attached) with us. As per the schematic, part
number of the microcontroller is ST710F. We do not have any other details with us to confirm the microcontroller part number.
Does ST7 exist now? I don't see any information regarding ST7 series except
We have checked the pin to pin compatibility with our schematic and
STR710F datasheet LQFP144 package (
) and they are matching.But STR710F is NRND right now and its temperature range is only -40C to 85C. We need the extended temperature range (-40C to 125C) part. Could you please suggest me the extended temperature range version of STR710F? If the extended temperature range version of STR710F does not exist, then please suggest the extended temperature range part which is closer to STR710F.
2017-04-03 10:13 AM
If the extended temperature range version of STR710F does not exist, then please suggest the extended temperature range part which is closer to STR710F.
I think the Industrial range goes to 105C (7 suffix parts), not sure of the availability of Automotive range parts. You should discuss with your local ST sales/distribution office, I'm afraid I can't perform your due-diligence tasks.