2003-01-21 2:15 AM
2002-10-13 7:18 PM
We are observing a problem in recent times where we program ST62T30BM6 with starter kit. The software we program into the unit returns a checksum for the EPROM contents.
Product has been stable for months but now the checksum returned in about 90% of several batches of processor is incorrect when warmed up and the product exhibits eratic behaviour when warmed. Part verifies in programmer when cold or hot though - it seems that internal reads are less reliable than programmer verifies . If the micro is programmed twice with same code all of the above problems disappear. Two questions for the group. Has any one else observed similar porblem ? Has any one got the programming specification for ST6 micro's Regards Donald Kay2002-10-16 10:21 PM
did you programm all the parts with one single starter kit or did you try with several . This to understand if the problem could come from the starter kit or from the chip.2002-10-22 12:10 AM
The problem has been observed with several starter kits on several PCs.
ST have since advised that the starter kit when operated with Win 98 or Win 95 does not always meet timing requirements for programming. This means that all customers who have programmed ST6230 with starter kits on Windows 95 or 98 may have faulty parts in the field even though they verify OK in the programmer. We have seen one batch where failure rate was about 90% when heated. Other batches 0 failures. Our test is sensitive - most applications may just show occassional erratic behaviour. Problem could get worse with age. Definitely worse when hot. It is our understanding that it is not only the starter kit that is effected but also at least one other ST programmer and we have no reason to believe issue is not across ST62 range. The problem has only showed for us on some recent date code parts but the programmers have been out of spec for a while. Perhaps ST could consider a Bulletin on their WEB site and adding this to known issues in the release notes. How much trouble this would save. Donald Kay.2002-12-10 3:48 AM
The latest version of the ST6 Windows Epromer is R.4.0.2. This software is for programming with the ST6 EPBs, Starter Kits and Gang programmers.
Go to the download section and search ST6 files or do a search of ''ST6 Windows Epromer'' Read the release notes for more info.2003-01-21 2:15 AM
I had one time strange behaviour on ST6. It was because I did not program the option byte. The option byte must be always programmed, if not, it causes some overconsomption which causes troubles. For example reset can occur ramdomly...