2006-11-19 8:04 PM
ST10F276 : Program access protected I-Flash from the I-Flash
2006-11-16 2:55 AM
I'm going to protect my I-Flash to access. But... Will a code running in [B0F0 -> B0F3] able to program [B0F4 -> B3F1]? Please note: - The code will program its own BANK but other flash. - The code must be ran from the I-Flash, due to access protection. Thanks Ran2006-11-16 8:13 PM
Hello Ran,
Read/While/Write operation in the same flash bank is not allowed: it is not possible to execute code located in [B0F0 -> B0F3] to program [B0F4 -> B3F1]. In fact, this code must be executed from a bank different from the banks to be programmed. So, Bank1, Bank2 and Bank3 can be programmed without problem but it is not possible to program the remaining Bank0 sectors [B0F4 -> B0F9]. Could you please clarify the statement 'The code will program its own BANK but other flash.'? ---------------- Regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 17-11-2006 09:50 ]2006-11-18 6:37 PM
Same Bank other Flash:
Same Bank = B0 other Flash = F1/F2 B0F1 and B0F2 are the same Bank other Flash...2006-11-19 8:04 PM
Hello Ran,
If I had understood, you want to program [B0F4..B3F1] of FLASH2 which is access protected using a code located in [B0F0->B0F3] of another flash FLASH1. Could you please confirm? If this is the case, could you please tell me where the Temporary Access Unprotection routine is located? This routine must already have been located and executed from the protected flash, I mean FLASH2. Regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 20-11-2006 09:40 ]