2007-03-23 2:01 AM
2007-03-22 8:35 PM
I'm using an ST72F324BJ4 and a M93C66 Microwire EEProm. I know Microwire is some kind of subset of SPI.
My question is this. In the Cosmic C Compiler, they have routines to write to EEProm. Are these the ones I should use? Or, should I use the SPI module in the ''ST7 Software Library''? Thanks! -David2007-03-23 1:26 AM
2007-03-23 2:01 AM
OK, thanks for that important info!
So, now the question is, will the SPI routines in the ''ST7 Programming Library'' talk to the STM Microwire EEProm part? If yes, are there any important tips to know? If no, is there a library somewhere for the STM micro talking to the STM EEProm? Thanks! -David