2006-03-28 8:18 PM
2006-03-27 8:08 PM
In my application I use SPI interface to transfer data between a ST7234 and a STLITE09. ST7234 is master and LITE09 acts as slave. What happens if a false clock pulse occurs on the SCK line (in a noisy environment for example)? The communication will be out of sync until new reset? Is there any way to recover from this without re-start the slave?
BR bood2006-03-28 9:09 AM
You don't have problems with spike on clock, IF and only IF the Chip select on SPI slave is inactive (high state). Bye2006-03-28 7:48 PM
Thanks for reply. I dont get your point. No matter how you manage chip select I think there is a risk of spikes when the chip is selected?
Chip select (SS) on my slave is managed by software and allways active (0). bood2006-03-28 8:13 PM
Hy Bood,
I prefer manage slave SS active only during spi communication. So I have a hw/sw robustness: spike on signals are allowed without desyncronization. If in Your application need to keep slave SS low, then Your hw/sw is spike sensible.... Bye2006-03-28 8:18 PM
OK, thank you.