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Patch antennas with Teseo devices / LIV3F or LIV4FTR



We have worked with the LIV3F during the last design. The topology followed the recommendations of "User Manual, UM2231, Teseo-LIV3 GNSS Modules, Hardware Manual.". Our main doubts start when we question the recommendation that this application note makes about an isolation power ground "inderectly" connected to the ground pad of the Teseo LIV3F. (8. Layout recommendation)


Why would something like this be required? 

Following this, the LIV4F application note seems to not have as many hardware recommendations as the LIV3F has, and these don't make any reference to the isolation gnd. Is the Teseo LIV4FTR an upgraded package of the LIV3F?

Would you recommend using for best performance LIV4FTR? Should we follow previous hardware recommendations from the LIV3F, like the LNA and SAW RF filter implementation? 

The final idea is to achieve the best GNSS performance with a SM patch antenna like the SGGP. 12.4.A.02