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read hex file via stm32

Associate II

Hello can i ask a question? I want to read hex file via stm32 but without using any interface. Thank you very much if you can help.


You need to clarify a bit:

  1. how big or what is contained in your socalled .hex file?
  2. what do you mean "without using any interface" what does "interface" mean to you?
Available for consulting/freelancing , hit me up in
Associate II

Hello teacher, I need to make an update device via stm. This device must have an SD memory card and the pre-loaded program code (it may have .hex, .bin extension) with the bootloader logic, the program must be added to stm32.

After selecting the file with .hex extension through the Flash Loader Demonster program, I performed the program update of the stm from UART, but I need to know how the Flash Loader Demonster application works in the background because the device you want to build does not have an interface or operating system. I would appreciate it if you could help, come easy.

> Hello teacher ...

Here are no teachers and very few ST staff members. This is an open forum mostly manned by users and volunteers.

> ...but I need to know how the Flash Loader Demonster application works...

This is an application from and by ST, and AKAIK the sources are not available.

You might ask them directly.

In general, HEX is an easy format to interpret. It is extensively documented online.

Since it is based on self-contained lines, you can process each line individually.

Or you might check for open source examples, and port it to your MCU.

Thank you