2006-04-17 8:54 PM
2006-04-11 9:02 PM
Are aLL ST7 spported in STVD7 use RLink tool to debug and Programmer?
Currently I use st7flite series. I want to develop ST MCU in STVD7 use RLink. Pls kindly give some advice. Thanks.2006-04-11 10:46 PM
Go in project settings->MCU selection and choose device u need. if green light near Icd RLink shines this device is supported by RLink.2006-04-11 11:33 PM
I do so. but i still connect to mcu. PLS help me.2006-04-11 11:47 PM
I do not understand your question.
Did u intall driver for RLink?2006-04-14 5:48 PM
I have install the driver for RLink in my computer.
I use st7flit15b, my configration is : ICC CONNECTOR MCU GND(1,3,5,10) ----> ST7FLIT15B(1) VDD_APPLI(7) ----> ST7FLIT15B(2) ICCDATA(2) ----> ST7FLIT15B(12) ICCCLK(4) ----> ST7FLIT15B(11) ICCRESET(6) ----> ST7FLIT15B(3) ICCSEL/VPP(8) ICCOSC(9) I use this congfigration in STVD7 and RIDE ,both can't to connect to MCU. I still connect to the mcu, pls help me.2006-04-17 8:54 PM
Well, it looks like the problem is your application board. Are u sure that all connections are rights, mcu is properly installed on application board?